The Plot

Skin is a crazy, intense, confusing, and insanely interesting book. I literally couldn't put it down, even though I was scared out of my mind during parts of it.

One blog, stephthebookworm, summarizes Skin this way:
Summary: Whew, how to summarize this one?! Okay . . . a freak storm brings five random people together in the small town of Summerville. There, they encounter a mysterious and stealthy killer, Red, who is after them, for reasons unknown to them. The five of them, including Wendy, a former cult survivor, and Colt, a cop, take shelter in a library for several days where the mysterious Red hides and forces them to play his creepy games. He wants them to choose the "ugliest" of the five and kill them, and in the meantime, he'll be on a killing spree in the town, until they decide.

The strange thing is, when they initially go outside, they see nothing but sand and desert land which has covered the town after the storm, but a few hours the later, the town has reappeared. The next day, they see only sand again . . . then the town. The FBI are also involved in the case, and sometimes are able to get in contact with Colt, Wendy and the others (when they can see the town), but not all the time (when they can see only the desert). This leads the FBI to think that either Wendy, Colt and company are collaboratively Red, or that something is wrong in their minds ...
I went with her summary because it was so much better and more concise than the one that I had written.  This story drew me in from the very beginning. I typically do not anything scary, but Skin with its fourteen murders (I believe...) still manage to keep me hooked. I kept wondering what was happening. I mean, a whole town just doesn't disappear. Are they crazy? Are they drugged? The ending is something that you would never expect. Skin is definitely worth the read!